24 Jul 2014

ConnId release available

ConnId is an Open Source project initiated by Tirasa for providing continuity to the former Identity Connectors Framework.

ConnId is built to help drive development of identity connectors, the technology layer that takes place in the exchange of identity-related information (password, attributes) between identity managers (as Apache Syncope) and identity repositories: LDAP directories, relational databases, and more.

Few months ago ForgeRock and Evolveum - players in the Identity and Access Manager arena with OpenIDM and midPoint, respectively - joined the effort at ConnId with the target of establishing a common compatibility ground with OpenICF, another fork of the original Identity Connectors Framework.

In the true spirit of open development, all discussions took place at ConnId's public dev mailing list and were backed by some of the most featured supporting tools: GitHub, Atlassian JIRA and Confluence, Travis CI.

The result of such engagement is now available with ConnId - which is going to make any connector developed for ConnId to work with OpenICF, and vice-versa: a great accomplishment for Open Source Identity and Access Management!

The new release is available as usual from Central Maven repositoryrelease notes and javadocs are available as well.


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