31 Jan 2017

University of Porto opts for Tirasa and Apache Syncope

The University of Porto, a benchmark institution for Higher Education and Scientific Research in Portugal and one of the top 200 European Universities according to the most relevant international ranking systems, has recently decided to rely on Tirasa and Apache Syncope to build its new Identity Management system: IdM@UPorto.

This decision has come after a thoughtful evaluation of various IdM solutions available, both proprietary and Open Source, bringing to the internal delivery of a Proof-Of-Concept based on Apache Syncope, that resulted promising under several aspects.

"The fairness and stability guaranteed by an important and independent organization as The Apache Software Foundation were fundamental prerequisites for an international, high-level education institution as The Universidade do Porto - said their Information Systems Infrastructures manager - but we also decided to rely on the proven experience and deep expertise that Tirasa can show on Apache Syncope, which will definitely help us in speeding up the implementation of our new solution."


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