08 Apr 2013

Apache Syncope 1.1.0 (Ad libitum) released

Written by ilgrosso

The Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the general availability of Apache Syncope 1.1.0 Ad libitum.

Besides a considerable amount of fixed bugs and improvements, the major changes introduced with this release can be summarized as follows:

  1. New JAX-RS, Apache CXF based, REST interface is available. (SYNCOPE-231 and related)
    In order to maintain compatibility with 1.0.X, the Spring MVC REST services stay in place in this version and the CXF based services are added using a different base URI: this allows users of the API to already start migrating to the new service layout. For more details see REST API upgrade. In Apache Syncope 1.2.0 the Spring MVC REST services will be dropped.
  2. Role provisioning. (SYNCOPE-171 and related)
    Apache Syncope is now able to manage users (e.g. accounts) and roles (e.g. groups) on external resources. Many user-related concepts are now also available for roles: schema mapping, propagation, synchronization, workflow, and so on.
  3. New standalone distribution is provided. (SYNCOPE-206).
    For helping evaluating Apache Syncope, a new standalone distribution is linked from the downloads page; instructions on how to work with it are also available.

For more information on how to report problems, and to get involved, visit the project website.

For full details of this release, check the official release notes.


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