Besides "official" resources GitHub shows interesting Syncope derivative projects
My work companion is still the good old HP Envy 14 1100 that I wrote about a while ago: it is getting old after 2 years and a half, of course, but Linux helps me keeping it young.
Valentine's Day: in love with OpenSource My company Tirasa is definitely a small company. But we do love OpenSource, we've always loved it, even before becoming Tirasa. This is the reason why we have started an OpenSource project for building an Identity Manager, and subsequently brought it to the Apache Software Foundation.
It's happened again: once in a while I must install the latest version of Eclipse IDE on my laptop, for various reasons (check some plugin, see how things look there, and so on). Hence, one more time, I come to Eclipse website, spend some nice time finding the right version for me, then download, uncompress, start. When it prompts for workspace location, an ancient image comes in front of my eyes and I start remembering Amiga workbench and its drawers...
After very good news I have reported before, this morning I have received a very pleasant e-mail saying that since today I have been accepted as member of the Apache Cocoon PMC. Wow, I am still astonished by all this new stuff :-)
Yesterday evening I had to print out a photo of my son: since the only ready PC in the neighbourhood was my brand new Linux powered laptop, I just plug in the USB cable of my HP Deskjet F300 all-in-one.
Yes, it's true - I am still realizing, but it's definitely true:since last February 21st 2011 I have been granted committer rights at Apache Software Foundation, on the Cocoon3 project.
I come from four-in-a-row (very good) laptops made by mummy Apple: an iBook G3, a Powerbook G4, a MacBook Pro Core2Duo and another shining MacBook Pro, powered by dual-core i7 and SSD. Because of some relevant changes in my work life (I'll write something about it in the near future), I had to return to my former company the latest laptop - with some regrets, however, it's a damn powerful machine.