Following the first post on this topic - which introduced some testing tools for the Apache Syncope Enduser UI - this post will explain how test-driven development works
Wrapping up Maven & JS best practices to achieve smooth Enduser testing
Empowering KDE notifications for our beloved Maven builds.
Cargo is a really nice piece of software that comes handy when developing web apps, by enabling deployment on a significant number of JEE containers at a very low price of some configuration parameters. The current version (1.2.2) has support for Oracle WebLogic up to 10.3.x; however, with some very little modifications it can handle 12c as well.
It's happened again: once in a while I must install the latest version of Eclipse IDE on my laptop, for various reasons (check some plugin, see how things look there, and so on). Hence, one more time, I come to Eclipse website, spend some nice time finding the right version for me, then download, uncompress, start. When it prompts for workspace location, an ancient image comes in front of my eyes and I start remembering Amiga workbench and its drawers...
Syncope needs a new workflow engine, for many good reasons: here's why I've started playing around with Activiti. Activiti looks really interesting because of features and Apache 2.0 license; moreover, its spicy story makes it even more attractive.