This post describes how to manage Hippo CMS users through Apache Syncope
Following our LDAP example, I tried to apply the same approach to the first beta release of the new ConnId connector for FreeIPA.
Java Connector Server is a component that handles Java Connectors bundles. When a Java Connector Bundle is not directly executed into Provisioning System (Apache Syncope), you need to use a remote Java Connector Server.
Windows PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. Its cmdlets let you manage computers and all server-side Microsoft applications (e.g. Exchange, SharePoint, FileServer, Active Directory, ...).
Tirasa developed a new ConnID connector called ConnIDCMDBundle. This bundle is used to connect to Apache Syncope the resources that are managed by Bash or Powershell scripts. In this post I will explain how use it to execute the adamsync.ps1 in a remote contest.