Following the first post on this topic - which introduced some testing tools for the Apache Syncope Enduser UI - this post will explain how test-driven development works
Wrapping up Maven & JS best practices to achieve smooth Enduser testing
CAS is probably the most used open access manager, let's spice it with SAML 2.0.
Java library available to read and update Active Directory ntSecurityDescriptor attribute.
Every JEE developer will eventually need some Javascript & CSS spice in his applications: jQuery, jQuery UI, Bootstrap, AngularJS, highlight.js, YUI ... What's the usual solution? Grab files from somewhere and statically include them in your source tree.
Per lo sviluppo del connettore UNIX di ConnId avevo bisogno di una buona libreria che mi permettesse di eseguire da remoto dei comandi UNIX su server remoti. Dopo aver provato diverse librerie per l'esecuzione di comandi Unix in Java, la mia scelta definitiva è caduta su vngx-jsch una libreria che, a detta dello sviluppatore, migliora la più famosa jsch.
To develop Unix connector of ConnId framework, I needed a good java library to execute unix command on remote server. After several tests, I choose vngx-jsch, a library that, according to its developers, improves jsch library.
Maybe it is a not a common usecase, but I've just had need to know the content type of a bare byte[ ]. After been searching the whole Internet and evaluated dozens of utility libraries I finally ended up with a very simple but effective solution.