Apache Syncope and Active Directory, an enduring relationship born years ago
Java library available to read and update Active Directory ntSecurityDescriptor attribute.
At last the possibility to synchronize data from Syncope towards external resources.
Java Connector Server is a component that handles Java Connectors bundles. When a Java Connector Bundle is not directly executed into Provisioning System (Apache Syncope), you need to use a remote Java Connector Server.
Apache Syncope can manage users, groups and memberships (memberOf/members attribute) on external Active Directory via ConnId's Active Directory (JNDI) connector. Think you manage users and roles on Apache Syncope as centralized IdM, and have all these entities automatically kept in sync with your Active Directory users and groups: few simple steps onto the Apache Syncope administration console will help you to succesfully aim your goals ....
Asking for a large set of results via ldapsearch to an Active Directory (AD) you will get a "size limit exceeded" error message. Searches of Active Directory performed without paging are limited to returning a maximum of the first 1000 records.
Today we see how to create a user without saving the password in the Apache Syncope repository. The user password will be stored only on Active Directory.
Execute adamsync from another host with Apache Syncope.