Written by ilgrosso
After 7 months of work the Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the final release of the first stable version since entering the Apache Incubator. This release took a bit more than expected because the team had to get familiar with new ASF procedures and toolset.Written by ilgrosso
Cargo is a really nice piece of software that comes handy when developing web apps, by enabling deployment on a significant number of JEE containers at a very low price of some configuration parameters. The current version (1.2.2) has support for Oracle WebLogic up to 10.3.x; however, with some very little modifications it can handle 12c as well.Written by ilgrosso
Will you ever think to deploy a webapp based on the most diffuse and popular Apache Cocoon version (2.1) onto the most recent Apache Tomcat? Well, despite of the fact that the former reached its widest spread when the the latter's major version was 3, 4 or 5 at most, it is actually possible. Only, completely undocumented :-)Written by ilgrosso
It's happened again: once in a while I must install the latest version of Eclipse IDE on my laptop, for various reasons (check some plugin, see how things look there, and so on). Hence, one more time, I come to Eclipse website, spend some nice time finding the right version for me, then download, uncompress, start. When it prompts for workspace location, an ancient image comes in front of my eyes and I start remembering Amiga workbench and its drawers...Written by ilgrosso
Syncope recently gained official support for Glassfish 3.1.1: since the JPA layer did - again recently - move to Apache OpenJPA, we faced some issues when trying to deploy Syncope - as OpenJPA-powered web application - to Glassfish.Written by ilgrosso
This morning I was looking at access statistics of syncope-idm.org, after yesterday great HOWTO about how to synchronize Active Directory and relational databases by using Syncope.Written by ilgrosso
When writing Java code relying on Spring and JPA, you may eventually come to the need of some scheduling; since Quartz is by far the reference in this field, you think you will solve all of your problems by reading the appropriate page on Spring docs. Wrong, at least if you need some Spring goodies like @Autowired and @Transactional.Written by ilgrosso
Syncope needs a new workflow engine, for many good reasons: here's why I've started playing around with Activiti. Activiti looks really interesting because of features and Apache 2.0 license; moreover, its spicy story makes it even more attractive.