Written by malessandroni
recently developed and released the
SCIM v1.1 connector as part of the
project. This bundle is used to connect Apache Syncope to a SCIM v1.1
RESTful service.
The development of
this connector's first stable version has been sponsored by
iWelcome, the leading European IDaaS
Here I'm going to show how to use it on Syncope 2.0.8.
The new connector is available by default from Syncope 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT, but in this guide I'll show you how to use it in our Syncope latest stable release (2.0.8); so let's start creating a simple Apache Syncope 2.0.8 project from archetype:
$ mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.syncope \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=syncope-archetype \ -DarchetypeRepository=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 \ -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.8
By default, the embedded mode is populated with example data.
In order to be more clear, I'll work on a fresh Syncope instance; so if you want
to do the same, you can remove example data by running the following commands:
$ cd [CREATED_PROJECT_FOLDER] $ cp core/src/main/resources/domains/MasterContent.xml core/src/test/resources/domains/MasterContent.xml
To add the SCIM v1.1 bundle dependency to 2.0.8 project you'll need
to edit root "pom.xml" file and add the
"net.tirasa.connid.bundles.scimv11" dependency.
So from project main folder, run:
$ vi pom.xml
<properties> ... <connid.scimv11.version>1.0.0</connid.scimv11.version> ... </properties>
then add the "maven-dependency-plugin" as you can see here and remember to insert that content under:
<pluginManagement> <plugins> ... </plugins> </pluginManagement>
From the project root dir, run:
$ mvn -P all clean install && cd enduser && mvn -P embedded,all
Open http://localhost:9080/syncope-console and you'll access the Syncope Admin Console.
Login to Admin Console using the default "admin" / "password" credentials.
Go to "Topology" and add a new connector (see image below):
You'll be able to see the new SCIM v1.1 bundle, so choose "net.tirasa.connid.bundles.scimv11" from "Bundle" list and fill the other required fields:
Click on "Next" button and enter the SCIM v1.1 service configuration by filling the required parameters (you can find more info about it on related ConnId SCIM v1.1 connector wiki page):
Click on "Next" button again, select connector Capabilities (AUTHENTICATE and SYNC are not supported as you can see here) and click on "Finish":
Now you are ready to create the SCIM external resource.
Click on the just created connector and choose "Add new resource" from right
At this point, since we are using Syncope 2.0.8, we need to manually add the SCIM PropagationActions to Syncope project (the related file already exists in Syncope project from version 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT by default) in order to let Syncope save the Users ID returned by SCIM Service upon creations.
You need to create the " org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.java.propagation.SCIMv11PropagationActions" file and link it to the "SCIMv11Res" resource.
So, just run the following commands to create and edit a new file with that name:
$ mkdir -p ./core/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/propagation/ && vim ./core/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/propagation/SCIMv11PropagationActions.java
copy & paste the content of the file above ( SCIMv11PropagationActions.java).
Then stop Syncope, re-build and re-start it.
When it'll be ready, you'll be able to add the "SCIMv11PropagationActions" to
SCIM resource.
So just click on resource node and select "Edit resource" from menu:
From the Admin Console, go to "Configuration" (left panel) -> "Types"
-> "Schemas"; in the "PLAIN" accordion panel click on the "+" icon.
Create the "SCIMUserId" schema:
We must add it to "BaseUser" AnyTypeClass in order to have it available for "USER" AnyType.
To do that, select the "AnyTypeClasses" tab, click on "BaseUser" row and
choose "edit" from right menu.
Add "SCIMUserId" to "Selected" sub-panel, in "Plain Schemas" section:
Now we need to set some provision rules to map SCIM v1.1 attributes to Syncope attributes.
Click on the "SCIMv11Res" node in "Topology" and choose "Edit provision rules" from right menu.
From the just opened modal window, click on "+" icon and select "USER", then
click "Next" in the wizard until you'll get to "Mapping" step.
Now, you can choose a mapping configuration, e.g.
You can take a look at this class to see the list of all possible External attributes you can use in mapping.
Then, about other "Custom Attributes", you should first take a look at the
"info" section at
official SCIM v1.1 Connector wiki
After setting the "customAttributesJSON" connector parameter, you'll see that
you can easily use your custom attributes as External Attribute in the mapping.
Besides, the connector will also list your custom attributes in the mapping
autocompletion list.
You can run a simple basic test by exploring the resource and make Syncope retrieve all Users you have in your SCIM service.
Click on the "SCIMv11Res" node from "Topology" and choose "Explore resource" from menu.
Select "USER" from the dropdown on top of the modal window and you'll see
some users, in case you have any on your SCIM service.
Here you can see an example:
I have created a
project according to this guide.
Assuming you have Git and Maven properly configured, run:
$ git clone https://github.com/Tirasa/syncopeWithSCIMv11.git $ cd syncopeWithSCIMv11/ $ mvn -P all clean install && cd enduser && mvn -P embedded,all
Now you can point your browser to http://localhost:9080/syncope-console and start you tests.
After the release of Syncope 2.1 an improvement was made to the logic for all
those connectors that need to save the value of some attribute coming from the
specific resource service after creating an entity on it.
All that logic from the PropagationActions classes
for SCIM bundle) was removed.
And, since all the logic in the "SCIMv11PropagationActions" is about that, we
removed class from the Syncope 2.1 and you don't need to create or link
any PropagationActions for SCIM connector.
So, since the "PropagationActions" files were minimized, what else do I need
to do for Syncope 2.1?
Well, it is pretty simple!
You just need to open the resource mapping and you'll see a new field:
Enter the previously created required schema ("SCIMUserId" for "USER" AnyType)
in that field, to handle the returned value from the SCIM service.
Done, that's all!
So, to summarize the all process: