Written by ilgrosso
My company Tirasa is definitely a small company. But we do love OpenSource, we've always loved it, even before becoming Tirasa.
This is the reason why we have started an OpenSource project for building an Identity Manager, and subsequently brought it to the Apache Software Foundation. Today, Apache Syncope - read more about its history.
This is the reason why we have based our sales proposal on nice and successful OpenSource projects like as Hippo CMS and Apache Cocoon.
We also had enough free cycles to start a couple of projects on our own:
When you accumulate some experience in contributing to large OpenSource projects in big foundations like the ASF, you suddenly realize that no OpenSource project can develop and evolve without some infrastructure service: source code repository, issue tracker, mailing list, ...
Naturally, the ASF provides everything necessary to Syncope and Cocoon (and to a lot of other projects).
From the other side, OneHippo is big enough for powering Hippo CMS with all bells and whistles.
....and what about Tirasa and its two small projects?
Fortunately, there are nowadays many free and open services available to anyone who wants to run its own OpenSource project, so we have been able to empower
And the nicest thing is that every service is integrated with each other: when committing to GitHub the fix for an issue, JIRA makes an update, a notification e-mail is sent and a build is triggered on Travis. Priceless.
So nothing, just relieving that if a small company like ours can run multiple OpenSource projects without loosing blood in infrastructure service, it's because of the large availability of free services in this modern Internet that someone still calls "the Cloud".
...and guess who is helping running our dedicated support site and live demo for Apache Syncope? Thank you, Openshift!