Written by mdisabatino
In this short post I want to talk about my last experience on AD and Adam.
One of the main requirements was to run adamsync script remotely (from remote host) after a user has been created on Active Directory. Adamsync synchronizes objects from Active Directory Domain Services (AD) to an instance of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS - ADAM).
Thanks to the CMD ConnId connector, Apache Syncope can execute different PowerShell script.
To execute AdamSync script remotely on a certain host you have to:
Then you must create a powershell script file (ExecAdamSync.ps1):
$password = cat c:\ConnectorServer\scripts\securestring.txt | convertto-securestring $c = New-Object Management.Automation.PSCredential 'DOMAIN\Administrator', $password $login = $c.GetNetworkCredential().domain + "\" + $c.GetNetworkCredential().username write-output $login C:\PSTools\psexec.exe \\remoteHostName -i -u $login -p $c.GetNetworkCredential().password powershell.exe c:\ConnectorServer\scripts\adamsync.PS1
After, you must configure the CMD Connector instance with the following line for all operations:
cmd /c powershell C:/ConnectorServer/scripts/adam/ExecAdamSync.ps1