Written by ilgrosso
Need to comply with cumbersome account or password policies?Written by ilgrosso
Working ideas for pushing further Spring's declarative transaction managementWritten by ilgrosso
A very practical sample for getting ready with latest Apache Syncope on CentosWritten by ilgrosso
Empowering KDE notifications for our beloved Maven builds.Written by ilgrosso
Working on IAM you might have heard of the "Open Identity Stack": here's some Open Source alternativesWritten by ilgrosso
1.2.0 brings enhancements in several areas: REST, workflow, notifications, resource management, ...Written by ilgrosso
The upcoming new stable version 1.2.0 brings - among a whole lot of new features - the availability of .deb packages for getting started with Apache Syncope on Debian or Ubuntu.Written by ilgrosso
Besides "official" resources GitHub shows interesting Syncope derivative projects