Written by ilgrosso
Open data & mobility: hot topics, in Open Source flavor.Written by ilgrosso
The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 1.0.9 (Espressivo) and 1.1.7 (Ad libitum): besides other things, these releases contain a security fix for CVE-2014-0111: upgrade from previous 1.0.X / 1.1.X versions is strongly suggested.Written by ilgrosso
The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 1.1.6 (Ad libitum). This sixth maintenance version fixes few important bugs and introduces some interesting improvements: more details below.Written by ilgrosso
End of year is time for balance, and mailing list discussion is probably the most important metrics of an open source project, at least when such project is part of The Apache Software Foundation, whose motto is Community over code. So why don't take a look at mailing list archives? Rob Weir did it recently for Apache OpenOffice and this was of inspiration for applying the same approach to Apache Syncope, using some good old shell scripting and Wordle app. Let's take a look at the results.Written by ilgrosso
The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 1.1.5 (Ad libitum). This fifth maintenance version fixes few important bugs and introduces some interesting improvements: more details below.Written by ilgrosso
Every JEE developer will eventually need some Javascript & CSS spice in his applications: jQuery, jQuery UI, Bootstrap, AngularJS, highlight.js, YUI ... What's the usual solution? Grab files from somewhere and statically include them in your source tree.Written by ilgrosso
There are lots of ways of documenting RESTful APIs in Java: just google a bit and you will find the nice Enunciate and Swagger, for example. Such approachs, however, are often quite invasive and hardly customizable. Many providers - like as Apache CXF - are able to dynamically generate a WADL representation out of JAX-RS annotated classes: such XML representation can be easily put into an XSLT transformation in order to obtain some end-user REST documentation.Written by ilgrosso
The Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the availability of the new maintenance release of Ad libitum. The release is available here. See release notes for more details.