Written by massi
If you are following the Apache Syncope dev mailing list you have seen different commits for the CLI admin tool. In this post we will discuss what the new client does and whish are the most useful features (of course from my point of view).Written by massi
CAS is probably the most used open access manager, let's spice it with SAML 2.0.Written by massi
As you can imagine this post is about Single Sign On and HippoCMS. In particular, at the end of this post, we will be able to deploy Hippo CMS in Single Sign On in our environment.Written by massi
Following our LDAP example, I tried to apply the same approach to the first beta release of the new ConnId connector for FreeIPA.Written by massi
I've a keen interest in IAM solution also because I think that my first qualification is simply: IAM specialist. Today, googling idm open source I noticed that the first result occurrence (also in paid search results) is openiam identity manager, so, out of curiosity, I decided to install it.Written by massi
This morning, drinking coffee reading license.Written by massi
Tirasa developed a new ConnID connector called ConnIDCMDBundle. This bundle is used to connect to Apache Syncope the resources that are managed by Bash or Powershell scripts. In this post I will explain how use it to execute the adamsync.ps1 in a remote contest.Written by massi
Ho appena avuto la necessità di lavorare su Netbeans su un progetto Java residente su una macchina remota. Ricordo l'esistenza di un plugin, ma non ricordo precisamente se questo esista su Netbeans o ci sia solo per Eclipse. Fortunatamente le due macchine in questione sono una Ubuntu e una Debian, quindi mi è bastato installare sul mio PC il pacchetto sshfs.