This is first post of a series on the same topic: an Apache Syncope overlay to perform single sign on between Active Diretory and Apache Syncope Console. In this articles, we will analyze the different steps to have an user that, after his authentication on Windows PC, can access the Apache Syncope admin web console without further authentication.
Questo sarà il primo, di una serie di post, che avranno, come punto di arrivo, la realizzazione di un overlay di Syncope con la particolarità di essere in Single Sign On con un'istanza di Active Directory. Attraverso differenti passi, vedremo come arrivare ad avere un utente che, una volta autenticatosi su un PC windows con autenticazione a Dominio, potrà accedere sulla console di Syncope senza autenticarsi ulteriormente.
The Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the availability of the fourth maintenance release of Espressivo, the first after graduating from Incubator. The release is available here. See release notes for more details.
Apache Syncope user mailing list has been recently discussing about "virtual resources", e.g. resources to be used like as 'marker' for users and / or roles. Even though this aspect will be probably part of the process of adding access management features to Apache Syncope
The second maintenance release is made available by the Apache Syncope team. The release is available here. See release notes for more details.
After the 1.0.0-incubating, the first maintenance release is made available by the Apache Syncope team. The release is available here. See release notes for more details.
After 7 months of work the Apache Syncope team is proud to announce the final release of the first stable version since entering the Apache Incubator. This release took a bit more than expected because the team had to get familiar with new ASF procedures and toolset.
This morning I was looking at access statistics of, after yesterday great HOWTO about how to synchronize Active Directory and relational databases by using Syncope.