Maybe it is a not a common usecase, but I've just had need to know the content type of a bare byte[ ]. After been searching the whole Internet and evaluated dozens of utility libraries I finally ended up with a very simple but effective solution.
Federations in MS SQL Azure are a way to achieve greater scalability and performance from the database tier of your application through horizontal partitioning. One or more tables within a database are split by row and portioned across multiple databases (Federation members).
OpenJPA is an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution, open source (distributed under the Apache 2.0 Licence) and extremely extensible.
Cargo is a really nice piece of software that comes handy when developing web apps, by enabling deployment on a significant number of JEE containers at a very low price of some configuration parameters. The current version (1.2.2) has support for Oracle WebLogic up to 10.3.x; however, with some very little modifications it can handle 12c as well.
Will you ever think to deploy a webapp based on the most diffuse and popular Apache Cocoon version (2.1) onto the most recent Apache Tomcat? Well, despite of the fact that the former reached its widest spread when the the latter's major version was 3, 4 or 5 at most, it is actually possible. Only, completely undocumented :-)
Syncope recently gained official support for Glassfish 3.1.1: since the JPA layer did - again recently - move to Apache OpenJPA, we faced some issues when trying to deploy Syncope - as OpenJPA-powered web application - to Glassfish.
Syncope recently gained official support for Glassfish 3.1.1: since the JPA layer did - again recently - move to Apache OpenJPA, we faced some issues when trying to deploy Syncope - as OpenJPA-powered web application - to Glassfish.
Mi sto occupando dello sviluppo di un connettore per OpenAM. Per effettuare le varie operazioni, al posto di utilizzare il clientsdk, abbiamo scelto di usare le interfacce REST offerte da OpenAM; nel caso in cui quest'ultimo sia deployato in https, la chiamata restituisce un'eccezione del tipo:
Come ci si può far rovinare tre giorni da un'issue? Basta avere a che fare con l'encoding e un DB criptato. Dopo tre giorni di analisi, mi sono accorto che il problema alla base dell'issue non era di basso livello, quindi su come certi dati venivano passati al DB, ma su