1.2.0 brings enhancements in several areas: REST, workflow, notifications, resource management, ...
The upcoming new stable version 1.2.0 brings - among a whole lot of new features - the availability of .deb packages for getting started with Apache Syncope on Debian or Ubuntu.
This post describes how to manage Hippo CMS users through Apache Syncope
At last the possibility to synchronize data from Syncope towards external resources.
Besides "official" resources GitHub shows interesting Syncope derivative projects
As you can imagine this post is about Single Sign On and HippoCMS. In particular, at the end of this post, we will be able to deploy Hippo CMS in Single Sign On in our environment.
Open data & mobility: hot topics, in Open Source flavor.
Following our LDAP example, I tried to apply the same approach to the first beta release of the new ConnId connector for FreeIPA.