The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 1.0.9 (Espressivo) and 1.1.7 (Ad libitum): besides other things, these releases contain a security fix for CVE-2014-0111: upgrade from previous 1.0.X / 1.1.X versions is strongly suggested.
The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 1.1.6 (Ad libitum). This sixth maintenance version fixes few important bugs and introduces some interesting improvements: more details below.
The main purpose of identity management systems is to manage user and role provisioning. Provisioning operations can act on Apache Syncope only or be propagated towards external resources as well (propagation). Provisioning will occur on a certain external resource every time the operation involves users or roles assigned to that resource.
End of year is time for balance, and mailing list discussion is probably the most important metrics of an open source project, at least when such project is part of The Apache Software Foundation, whose motto is Community over code. So why don't take a look at mailing list archives? Rob Weir did it recently for Apache OpenOffice and this was of inspiration for applying the same approach to Apache Syncope, using some good old shell scripting and Wordle app. Let's take a look at the results.
Java Connector Server is a component that handles Java Connectors bundles. When a Java Connector Bundle is not directly executed into Provisioning System (Apache Syncope), you need to use a remote Java Connector Server.
Apache Syncope virtual attributes are often a little bit hard to well understand. I hope this brief introduction can help. Any comments/remarks/suggestions are welcome.
As is so often the case, working with SSL you need to configure and test a strong authentication (SSL client authentication). In all these cases, you need to provide an ad-hoc client certificate to perform a succesful handshake.
Few basic steps to create a complete keystore to host a server certificate. Create your custom self-signed CA if not yet available a trusted one # openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 1024 # openssl req -new -x509 -day