The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 1.1.5 (Ad libitum). This fifth maintenance version fixes few important bugs and introduces some interesting improvements: more details below.
As you should know, each ldapsearch line output is wrapped: the max size of a line output is of 79 characters. By the way, as is so often the case, ldapsearch output is retrieved to be automatically processed by a script or something else: in these cases the line wrapping usually is a big problem.
Apache Syncope can manage users, groups and memberships (memberOf/members attribute) on external Active Directory via ConnId's Active Directory (JNDI) connector. Think you manage users and roles on Apache Syncope as centralized IdM, and have all these entities automatically kept in sync with your Active Directory users and groups: few simple steps onto the Apache Syncope administration console will help you to succesfully aim your goals ....
Before storing/propagating/synchronizing a specific user or role, a pre-processor can be called in order to allow any kind of manipulation before any actual operation takes place.
Every JEE developer will eventually need some Javascript & CSS spice in his applications: jQuery, jQuery UI, Bootstrap, AngularJS, highlight.js, YUI ... What's the usual solution? Grab files from somewhere and statically include them in your source tree.
I've a keen interest in IAM solution also because I think that my first qualification is simply: IAM specialist. Today, googling idm open source I noticed that the first result occurrence (also in paid search results) is openiam identity manager, so, out of curiosity, I decided to install it.
Asking for a large set of results via ldapsearch to an Active Directory (AD) you will get a "size limit exceeded" error message. Searches of Active Directory performed without paging are limited to returning a maximum of the first 1000 records.
There are lots of ways of documenting RESTful APIs in Java: just google a bit and you will find the nice Enunciate and Swagger, for example. Such approachs, however, are often quite invasive and hardly customizable. Many providers - like as Apache CXF - are able to dynamically generate a WADL representation out of JAX-RS annotated classes: such XML representation can be easily put into an XSLT transformation in order to obtain some end-user REST documentation.